Lost Articles

The school will not be responsible for any loss of articles or cash. All articles found in the school premises and not claimed with in a week, shall be disposed off.   

Co-Curricular Activities

All the students are expected to take part in all the extra-curricular activities of the school under the guidance of the Principal and department heads. The students shall be present in the school on the days set apart for cultural and sports competitions and on the annual day of the school without fail.   


The parents shall go through the School Diary for any communication on daily basis. Attend to your child's home work without fail and supervise them regularly. Bring the School Diary to the school everyday. Those who do not bring it shall be fined.   


Tiffin must be sent along with the child. Bringing Tiffin during school hours is an exception, and will not be permitted to do on daily basis. Only an authorized person will be allowed to hand over the Tiffin during school hours.   


Holidays are observed as per the instructions of the Department of Education, Government of Maharashtra, with slight modification as per the needs of the school.   

About Diseases

It is advisable not to send a pupil suffering from infectious or contagious disease to the school. A medical certificate showing that the student is free from infection should be produced when he/she rejoins the school after such illness.